Beta-Botz - Introduction - Certificates Beta-Botz - Gears Beta-Botz - Speed Beta-Botz - Pulling Beta-Botz - Collaboration Building - Team 1 Building - Team 2 Building - Team 3 Building - Team 4 Building - Team 5 Collaboration - Team 1+2 Collaboration - Team 3+4 Collaboration - Team 5+6 End Product - A Pair of Milos Group Photo - A set of Milos Beta-Botz - Motion and Tilt Sensor Milo's Motion Sensor - Team 1 Milo's Motion Sensor Milo's Motion Sensor 2 Milo's Tilt Sensor - Team 1 Milo's Tilt Sensor - Team 2 Milo's Tilt Sensor - Team 3 Milo's Tilt Sensor - Team 4 Milo's Tilt Sensor - Team 5 Beta-Botz - Milo, The Science Rover Milo, The Science Rover - Team 1 Milo, The Science Rover - Team 2 Milo, The Science Rover - Team 3 Milo, The Science Rover - Team 4 Milo, The Science Rover - Team 5 Beta-Botz and Delta-Botz Robots Delta Botz - Robot Beta Botz - Robot Beta And Delta Botz Robots